Becci Tomasek

Cheese Plate

Becci Tomasek
Cheese Plate

This may sound funny but there is an art to building the perfect cheese plate. Bringing together all the different flavors and textures is all part of it, not to mention the visual element of colors. When putting together a simple cheese plate such as this one, I always like to include fruit ( fresh and dried) as well as nuts. something about the flavor of nuts and cheese, then the fresh bite of a strawberry for example, ugh! just so good! When offering a brie or creamy style cheese, I always like to include a preserve along side to compliment the cheese, the sweet and savory element is my thought here. I like to have. protein such as salami, and a pickled element. A simple cheese plate is very different from a large “Nosh” plate which can include a multitude of elements. I like to have my cheese plate look special, like I’ve put some thought into it, and with a little creativity you can too.

I generally stick to 2-3 different cheeses differing in texture and flavors. 2-3 different fruits, 1-2 different kinds of nuts, a preserve, something pickled, my cheater crackers are always on board, and 1-2 different proteins.

So get creative and fancy and your plate will be the hit of the party!

Message me on instagram is you have any questions!