
Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.

-Michael Broadbent

As I begin this adventure of blogging, I knew one thing was for sure, that I wanted my blog to be unique and different and reflect the multi faceted sides of me. And boy do I have a few!

I'm Becci, a Wife, Mother, self taught home Chef, past Caterer, Entertainer, Home Stager, Holiday Designer, and a Flight Attendant of a major carrier.

My travels locally and internationally allow me to find many wonderful restaurants that I love to share with others.

Combining food, flying, flavors, family and friends is the quintessence of who I am. For me, cooking for others is a pure act of Love. I've been cooking for as long as I can remember. Sunday mornings as a young child, I would wake up and make homemade Crepes for my family. My carefully mastered Crepes would be filled with fresh Strawberries, Lemon Curd and Powdered sugar. I carried this tradition through for my own children and husband years later.

So for me, blogging was the next natural step to be able to share the foods I love to prepare along with some design elements, tips for entertaining, travel and flavors from around the world.

So, Hello! And thanks for stopping by and taking time to take a look. I hope I can add some zest to not only your cooking but to your life. Because remember, It’s always for the love of food!


One cannot Think well, Love well, and Rest well, if one has not Dined and Drank well.


With all the entertaining, cooking and enjoying of good wine I do, it simply wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t have special people in my life to share it with. I am fortunate to be married to one hell of a guy, and my best friend Dan. We enjoy the same interests like cooking, entertaining, wine education, golf, spending time with our friends, traveling and the list can go on and on. For us its more about quality than quantity and we surround ourselves with positive people. Sharing our zest for life and love of the culinary world and wine education has lead us to meet so many wonderful people. In this New Year I hope you will find the time to breathe and relax and enjoy life’s simple pleasures and the special people in your life. Capture every moment and make it count! Cheers.