Poached eggs, Pork Belly and Avocado Toast with peppers

When I am not on the road traveling, my husband Dan and I enjoy our mornings together. He starts by making our lattes, we watch the news, plan our days and weeks ahead of us and I make a nice breakfast. I try to focus on keeping it healthy, nourishing, full of protein and maybe even a little fancy sometimes for fun. The visual element for me is important just as much as it tasting great. Most often we will go workout after breakfast so I don’t want it heavy on my tummy. I love perfectly poached eggs, but if your not a fan you most certainly could prepare any of my egg dishes with a fried or scrambled egg. Most of my ideas begin with opening up the frig and simply seeing what I have to work with. In this dish I had purchased Pork belly from Costco and prepared it earlier and had it already on hand. Pork Belly is not something I regularly buy, but it is fun to experiment with. This breakfast consisted of a toasted English muffin lightly toasted and buttered with a couple poached eggs on top, fresh avocado and sautéed yellow and red peppers with a couple chunks of Pork Belly. I drizzled a bit of EVOO, S&P and called it good. Again, if you want to you can change it up with scrambled or fried eggs. Whatever sounds good to you.
Note; I am still learning and experimenting with Pork Belly. This time I browned it, then cooked it in the pressure cooker and finished it in the oven with a sprinkle of brown sugar over each piece. Trying to get the perfect tender pork belly bite can be challenging…when I perfect it I will certainly share!