Lemon , Panko Sea Bass

2 6-8 oz portions of Chilean Sea Bass patted dry
1 Tbsp Mayonaise
3/4 cup-1 cup Panko bread crumbs
Zest of 1 lemon
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/4 melted butter
2 Tbsp chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
mix together the panko, lemon juice and zest, S&P, parsley, and butter to create a moist breading.
lightly coat the flesh side with mayo making sure to cover the fish evenly. Sprinkle the fish with the breading patting it lightly down to stay adhered to the fish. Carefully place into a preheated 375 deg oven or Grill set on medium heat. bake until fish reaches internal temp of 135, (approx 20 minutes)
Garnish with fresh parley or a slice of lemon

Becci Tomasek