Italian sausage hash with poached Eggs

This is my “go to” when I want all the good stuff with my eggs but I don’t want to make a “scramble”. I like my poached eggs to sit separately on a bed of yummyness. I usually check out what I have in the frig and do a mixture of bacon, ham, onions, peppers, diced potatoes, and whatever else I can find. It’s the perfect opportunity to clean out the frig. Then I sautée it all up, plunk a couple poached eggs on top maybe a dollop of sour cream, slices of avocado and fresh tomatoes and you’ve got the makings of a great satisfying breakfast.
This mixture was made up of some Italian sausage, onions, leftover potatoes and bell peppers.
I poached the perfect 3 minute eggs and carefully removed them from the water and placed them on top of the protein and veggie mixture.
So look in your frig and see what your options are. Ham? Bacon? get creative and enjoy!