Late Night Flat bread Pizza

This particular evening I used a Turkish Flatbread that I love to purchase at the grocery store named Coles in Sydney. But, at the end of the day any flat bread will work. And recently I have found a great one at Aldi’s! This was just one of those nights we were well into our wine consumption and enjoying each others company, watching TV, talking, laughing and before we knew it, it was quite late and we had the munchies….. so, I threw together this pizza with things I had in the frig. Lots of mozzarella, Parmesan Reggiano, banana peppers, onions and lots of Canadian bacon. I baked it on the pizza stone after heating it up and getting it pipping hot in the oven on 475 degrees for 15 min so the bottom of the crust would be nice and toasty. I baked it for 12-15 min or until the cheese was bubbling and toppings in the center were hot. Nothing beats a cheesy sinful pizza on a late night when you need a little something to “soak it up”!